Posts tagged Kingston Black

Bristol Cider Shop Cider Making Trip To Herefordshire Review

Address: Bristol Cider Shop, 7 Christmas Steps, Bristol, BS1 5BS

Date Visted: 24th September


Having read in the latest Bristol Cider Shop newsletter about the launch of their cider making day trips to Herefordshire, I thought I would pop on down and see what it was all about with my friend Emily (from Bristol Bites fame). After previously having been on a cider making course run by Peter Mitchell (Cider Academy), this was not a new experience for me, but I was just seeing how things would compare.

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New Forest Kingston Black (SV) Cider Review

Vital Stats:

Producer: New Forest
Cider Name: Kingston Black (SV)
Region: Hampshire
ABV: 7%
Taste: Medium
Served: Half-pint at room temperature
Smell: Apple/Ethanol
Colour: Golden/Yellow
Clarity: Clear
Carbonation: Still


After a not so brilliant Gillow Tom Putt cider, I went in search of the 2nd bar at GBBF to try something different. I glanced over the list and saw that there was a New Forest cider there. Having heard good things about them (they won 2 awards at the Bath & West Show 2011) I was drawn towards it like a moth to a flame. Then it struck me what it said on the barrel…another SV (single variety) cider. I was debating whether to do it or not after the previous one, but I thought I’d give it a shot, as I had nothing to lose and plenty to gain.

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